case study

Transforming Team Dynamics at a Leading IT Sales Firm

About The Company

In the fast-paced world of IT sales, where success hinges on collaboration and innovation, a seasoned sales team in a leading firm faced heightened quota requirements amid reduced compensation. KeepWOL stepped in, offering a transformative solution to elevate team dynamics and engagement during team meetings. Discover how KeepWOL’s Team Effectiveness Platform evolved leadership development and fostered a culture of elevated awareness for a top-tier IT sales team.

Challenges Faced

In a dynamic corporate landscape marked by significant changes, the leadership team faced unprecedented challenges due to a recent corporate strategy and structure shift. This shift greatly impacted highly productive sales teams, introducing these new challenges:

  • Increased quota requirements and reduced compensation.
  • More pressure and a noticeable decline in team morale.
  • An organization-wide drop in employee engagement and satisfaction posed a multifaceted leadership challenge.

Tasked with guiding teams through turbulent times, leaders found themselves managing not only strategic changes but also the emotional and psychological well-being of their teams. This necessitated additional encouragement and innovative strategies to sustain team spirit and performance, fostering a collective effort to address the challenges at hand.

Challenges Faced

This hybrid split shift team had 4 primary challenges to address:

overall team synergy

The team was struggling with:
  • Conflicts due to personality differences
  • Difficulty having uncomfortable conversations
  • Difficulty being open and vulnerable
  • Decreased motivation and productivity

In partnership with KeepWOL, the team incorporated our game-centric talent development platform. The platform's Play, Reflect, & Grow process uses live multiplayer web-based games, AI technology, and end-to-end learning integration to deeply understand employees, improve soft skills, build inclusive teams, and revitalize the corporate culture.

primary goals

The team’s key objectives were to:
  1. Increase engagement & communication  across two shifts
  2. Build trust
  3. Boost morale & camaraderie
  4. Provide peer-to-peer feedback

Our Impact

We hosted a customized event for the Google care specialist team that fully integrated KeepWOL’s values with Google’s team development and bonding goals. We tapped into the team’s curiosity by prompting individuals to wonder out loud, ask questions, and get to know their peers on a deeper, authentic level.

Our goal was to help each employee recognize their potential to make a difference in the lives of others by treating one other as valued and worthy human beings. By demonstrating reverence, team members developed the courage to push themselves beyond their comfort zones.

By the end of Google’s KeepWOL bonding event, participants felt a deep sense of connectedness, belonging, and psychological safety among their coworkers.


“As a leader, finding the right tools to foster open communication and meaningful conversation within our team is paramount. KeepWOL emerged as a standout solution in this regard. It played a crucial role in bringing my leadership team closer, allowing us to communicate more effectively and navigate through our challenges. Through KeepWOL, we learned that transparency and vulnerability are not just beneficial but essential for a cohesive team dynamic. The platform encouraged us to engage in more profound, authentic conversations, which were instrumental in strengthening our rapport. Based on my experience, I would undoubtedly advocate for KeepWOL as a mechanism to build better communication and facilitate more meaningful interactions within teams. Its impact on our team’s ability to connect and collaborate has been significant and deeply valued.”

Guy Reams, General Manager - Vice President of Sales and Operations

Solution Implemented

Delivering an innovative solution to enhance team dynamics, engagement, and retention among high-performing sales professionals, KeepWOL introduced Perceptions—a leadership development and self-awareness game. In a strategic Experience, Reflect, and Grow process, the sales team delved into the intricacies of personal stories, perceptions, and past experiences, unveiling the unique dynamics influencing sales leadership and teamwork.


Within this phase, connections flourish through live verbal conversation sessions, cultivating immersive team experiences that foster engagement and learning. KeepWOL’s platform provides access to 17 ready-made session themes, or users can design their own using our AI builder. The emphasis here is on removing guesswork and ensuring each session is tailored to the team’s specific needs.


Post-session reflections offer real-time visibility into team health, individual progress, and group goals. By gaining immediate feedback, organizational health is consistently enhanced, providing insights that drive continuous improvement. This reflective aspect ensures that teams are not only engaged during sessions, but also actively participating in their growth journey.


Leveraging session data, our system goes beyond conventional approaches by delivering custom-curated learning content and tailored action plans. This process solidifies behavioral change, relieving leaders of administrative burdens. The platform takeson the responsibility of identifying critical focus areas, ensuring that teams not only survive but thrive in their collective growth journey.

Results Achieved

A benchmark assessment was taken again after 2 months for an impact check. KeepWOL's process took effect quickly, providing significant improvement across the board with evident results after only 2 months of use.

Positive movement in all 5 pillar areas


Improvement in employee engagement levels


Improvement in consideration for new ideas & encouragement for professional development

Team dynamics

Improvement in communication & the day-to-day work environment

Cultural Intelligence

Improvement in appreciation for different perspectives & respect towards diverse demographics

Job Satisfaction

Improvement in employee's likelihood of staying at their organization

The benchmark assessment revealed that before KeepWOL, only 10% of the team had no desire to leave the company. After KeepWOL, 30% of employees had no desire to leave the company, an impressive 20% increase in retention.

Results Achieved

Following engaging sessions, participants reflected on their game experience, assessing its personal, professional, and group impact on a scale of 1-10. The game, structured around KeepWOL’s 5 key pillar areas—Team Dynamics, Engagement, Cultural Intelligence, Innovation, and Job Satisfaction—yielded impressive improvements. Below are the team’s average impact ratings across each pillar.

Results Achieved

Following engaging sessions, participants reflected on their game experience, assessing its personal, professional, and group impact on a scale of 1-10. The game, structured around KeepWOL’s 5 key pillar areas—Team Dynamics, Engagement, Cultural Intelligence, Innovation, and Job Satisfaction—yielded impressive improvements. Below are the team’s average impact ratings across each pillar.